Connect with Your Best E-Waste Management PartnerE waste licence . Battery Licence . Instulated Copper Cable Licence
Green Web Recycling Authorised For Collection, Dismantling, Segregation, & Refurbishing of E- Waste. Under E- Waste Management Rules 2016. By Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board. Green Web Recycling is an initiative started to remove the complexity out of the process of electronic assets management & recycling. Our aim is to provide a simple, straightforward, transparent and sustainable way to recycle and manage your E waste and Electronic assets. We collect all types of IT, electronics, electrical, media and communications equipment. We are authorized by the State Pollution Boards & Govt. of India to safely Collect, Transport, Dismantle, Segregate & Dispose E waste. We are also equipped as a Producer Responsibility Organisation to fulfil all the statutory compliances for producers under Extended Producers Responsibility.
With the help of advanced, indigenous technologies, able and committed workforce and a never ending commitment to the environment, we aim to provide increased value to our clients for all their electronic inventories ranging from end-of-life electronics to surplus and seconds electronics, while creating awareness for the need to recycle E waste in an environment-friendly way and adopt sustainable technology disposal policies for a greener, safer planet for the generations to come.
Reduce Reuse Recycle

Green Web Recycling is registered as a Recycler with Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board for recycling of all the e-waste and with Central Pollution Control Board as a Producer Responsibility Organisation fulfilling Extended Producer Responsibility requirements of Producers. Green Web Recycling collects all the E-waste generated from PAN India and disposes the same at its plant from various organization .
Our mission is to provide environmentally safe e-waste disposal solutions by navigating our clients through complex environmental regulations and guidelines; ensuring that the customer data is sanitized as per the international standards through state-of-the-art technology.
The underlying goal of all our work is a green and peaceful world - an earth that is ecologically healthy and able to nurture life in all its diversity.
We provide a 'Green Certificate' or a 'Destruction Certificate' to each of our clients after the safe disposal of their e-waste.
Data Destruction
The hard disks are shredded into less than 5mm of size and separated manually to recover valuable metals out it.
Our team of skilled and trained professionals will turn the waste into opportunity by re-using and refurbishing services.
Once associations with Emitra Green web recycle will be giving good value to citizens of their IT equipment where as he can’t find in market. Citizens has to go nearby Emitra and handover his/her IT equipment, there is fixed price of all of these different equipment. Citizen will get a booking slip after deposit Equipment to Emitra and our logistics partner will get picked from across Emitra and will get dispose in our plant.